Burst Pipes: A Common Occurrence in Cold Weather

11 April 2024
 Categories: , Blog

When the temperature drops, many homeowners face the threat of burst pipes. This common occurrence can cause significant damage to your home and result in costly repairs. 

What Causes Pipes to Burst?

Pipes burst when the water inside them freezes and expands, causing pressure that exceeds the strength of the pipe. This is most likely to happen in areas of your home that are unheated or poorly insulated, such as attics, crawl spaces, and exterior walls. Cold weather can also cause pipes located outside, like garden hoses and sprinkler systems, to burst.

Consequences of Burst Pipes

The immediate consequence of a burst pipe is water damage to your home. This can include flooded floors, damaged walls and ceilings, and ruined furniture or belongings. However, the damage doesn't stop there. If left untreated, burst pipes can lead to mold growth and structural damage that can weaken your home's foundation.

How to Address Burst Pipes

The best way to address a burst pipe is to act quickly. Shut off the main water supply to your home and call a professional plumber immediately. If you have experienced significant water damage, it is important to contact a restoration company specializing in drying out and repairing water-damaged homes.

Hiring Professionals for Burst Pipe Repairs

Hiring a professional plumber to repair burst pipes is crucial for properly addressing the problem. They have the necessary tools and expertise to fix the damage and prevent future occurrences. Hiring a reputable restoration company can also help mitigate further damage and ensure your home is fully restored.

Tips for Preventing Burst Pipes

  • Insulate pipes in unheated or poorly insulated areas with foam pipe insulation.
  • Ensure your home stays at a steady temperature, even when you're away. This will help prevent the water inside the pipes from freezing and expanding.
  • When temperatures drop significantly, open cabinet doors under sinks to allow warm air to circulate and reach the pipes.
  • Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses before winter weather hits.
  • If you're leaving your home for an extended period during cold weather, shut off the main water supply and consider having a professional plumber drain your pipes to prevent freezing.

Burst pipes are a common occurrence in cold weather, but they can be prevented with some simple measures. By taking preventative steps, you can protect your home and avoid the costly consequences of burst pipes.

Learn more from a plumbing company near you like TradeWorksNW.
